Gem Media are pleased to help you
Boost Your Income through our Influencer Program
With the festive season fast approaching and Quarter 4 in full swing, Gem Media are pleased to help you Boost Your Income through our Influencer Program.
This program contains 6 modules, all carefully created to help you maximise your online sales, through using influencers who are well suited to your business needs.
This program will take place each Sunday 6-7pm, via zoom and will be recorded and available on replay should you wish to watch at times convenient to you.
All modules will have a workbook, so you can note down your findings and we will help you work with the most talented influencers within your industry.
PLUS you will receive our Influencer Blueprint guide FREE!

The program includes;
Module 1: Integrating influencers with your marketing campaigns
Module 2: How to search your Ideal Influencer
Module 3: Putting an influencer agreement together
Module 4: How to maximise user generated content
Module 5: Securing your businesses influence
Module 6: Maximising sales with influencers
*Plus Influencer Blueprint Bonus included

Contact us for more information hi@gemmediamk.com