10 Marketing tips to boost your Black Friday sales...

Black Friday is fast approaching! If you have left your Marketing campaign till the last minute, don't panic, you are reading the right blog post.
Here are some handy tips to help you maximise your business revenue this Black Friday:
1. Build anticipation.
Let your customers know some big deals are about to drop! Build the anticipation by adding a countdown clock on your website and posting the count down to your social media. This will get your customers excited and result in them coming back on Black Friday to check them out.
2. Design eye-catching visuals.
Make sure your deal gets noticed by adding some eye-catching adverts to share on Social Media, your website and email campaigns.
3. Offer smart discounts.
Don't go crazy with discount. This could portray your brand as cheap and desperate, so instead be very selective about the product you are discounting. Why not choose one which you have a lot of stock in?
4. Use punchy headings.
Stand out amongst the 100000000 other businesses promoting Black Friday offers and use a punchy heading. Remember to keep it simple.
5. Offer sign-up deals.
Once you have announced your countdown, offer your audience exclusivity on your Black Friday deal when they sign up to your mailing list. By doing this, you will build a list of potential customers.
6. Send mail-outs.
Send out an email to your existing database with the Black Friday countdown, then another one nearer Black Friday to let them know about your offer.
7. Offer a VIP discount code.
Reward your top customers, regular clients and/or your most engaged followers with an exclusive discount code that entitles them to more discount on top of your Black Friday offer. By doing this you are creating brand advocates who are likely to share your Black Friday promotion on their own personal Social Media.
8. Don't let baskets get abandoned.
Convert as many online shoppers as possible and send automated emails to customers who have abandoned their baskets. Alternatively, you could set-up re-targeted marketing with banner adverts in place to follow the customer throughout their online journey.
9. Use the #BlackFriday hash tag.
This may seem obvious, but remember to include the relevant hashtags in your Social media promotions.
10. Boost your post.
Take advantage of Facebook's sponsored advertising and push your Black Friday post beyond your network of 'likes'.
If you do not have time to implement the above, or need help implementing a strategy for your business, get in touch and we would love to promote your Black Friday deal. hi@gemmediamk.com